This Melbourne bar is hosting a Dropout-inspired game show
Entertainment / By , 16 September 2024 at 3:52pm
Collingwood bar Panacea – known for fireside wines, courtyard cocktails and the every-other-month spice sesh Scoville Sundays – is adding a monthly game show to its roster.

DOWNBID, heavily inspired by an episode of Dropout TV’s Game Changer*, will pit contestants in a race to the bottom as they bid the lowest amount of money they would do uncomfortable tasks for.

This might include eating foul food, retelling cringe-worthy stories, or making unfortunate posts on social media.

Where DOWNBID diverges most from Dropout’s game is the live audience; not only can anyone drop into Pana to watch, but if host Chris Shearer isn’t satisfied with the three contestants’ bids the decency auction will open to the floor.

Contestants will be chosen in advance to ensure a good game, but at the end of the show every winning bidder – including any audience members – will walk away with cash.

“We will pick contestants based upon knowing their strengths and weaknesses and where their limits are,” Chris told MELMAG.

“There is a finite prize pool that needs to be spread through the the rounds. If the three contestants bid too high – everyone says ‘it’ll be $100 for me to do this’ – I will turn to the audience and find someone who will do it for a more appropriate fee.”

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The prize pool will be “decent-but-finite”, meaning there’s a real chance an audience member’s bid could pay for their next cocktail (or two).

Above: Chris with debut contestant/bartender George.


DOWNBID will run for around an hour with a fifteen minute intermission. The game will be confined to the venue’s courtyard, leaving the rest of the bar running normally all night.

Audience members are expected to pay attention during play.

“People can have a drink [and relax], but putting a little break in the middle allows them to socialise and be like, ‘oh well, what the fuck was that? What would you do for that?'”

If the event takes off, Chris says fortnightly games will be considered. It all depends on popularity and the weather. Follow Panacea on Instagram for updates.

Be there

The first DOWNBID will be held at 210 Johnston Street, Collingwood, on Thursday 19 September from 8pm. Entry is free.

*I’m pretty sure that’s S2 E2 ‘Do I hear $1?

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